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The Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition (ASN(RDA)) Program Managers Workshop was created to instruct the Navy's Program Managers and senior acquisition personnel in the history of Navy acquisition and examples of successful Navy Program Management. Since its creation in October 2014, the Workshop has instructed over 250 acquisition professionals in Government and Industry.


Our workshops are intensive five-day courses of instruction where students are exposed to a wealth of information in the areas of Naval organization and history, U.S. military procurement, major program management, and shipbuilding related roles and responsibilities. Instructors highlight lessons learned relevant to today's Program Manager's acquisition duties.


Strategic Insight can flex the training schedule to meet client scheduling needs.

Upcoming Workshops

Government and Industry Acquisition Professionals​

  • 17-21 October 2022

  • 14-18 November 2022

  • 5-9 December 2022

  • 23-27 January 2023

  • 6-10 March 2023

  • 17-21 April 2023

  • 15-19 May 2023

  • 17-21 July 2023

  • 16-20 October 2023

  • 13-17 November 2023

  • 4-8 December 2023

  • 22-26 January 2024

  • 18-22 March 2024

Workshops Information

For more information on our workshops, please fill out the contact form on the Contact page and type "Workshops" in the subject line or call (703) 413-0700. We look forward to hosting you at a workshop soon!

© 2023 by Strategic Insight, Ltd.

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