Smart Solutions
for Important Clients
Our Clients
At Strategic Insight, we position ourselves as a key member on our clients team. Our clients, government organizations and Defense Services have the important role of defending the Nation and protecting the interests of the country. We're right there alongside supporting them as the endeavor to fulfill their mission.
Strategic Insight consults decision makers in government and business. Our clients include Fortune 100 firms, high technology start-ups, international concerns, and elements of the federal government. Examples of our recent activities include:
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Acquisition - ASN(RDA), Director of Acquisition Career Management
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation - DASN(RDTE)
Lockheed Martin
DDG 1000 Surface Combatant and LCS
Defense Acquisition University
Federal Acquisition Institute
Missile Defense Agency
Chief of Naval Operations (N96/N9I)
Naval Surface Warfare Center Systems Engineering
Naval Sea Systems Command
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock
Naval Network Warfare Command
Program Executive Office-Ships
Program Executive Office-IWS
Office of Naval Research